Babies and Children

Babies and ChildrenThe growth of babies and children into fully functioning teenagers and adults is a stressful one for the body. Few people grow from birth without health issues. Osteopathy can help babies and children deal with the almost inevitable strains and stresses of growing up. In particular, we can assist with the following issues, as well as many others:

  • Constant crying in babies and infants
  • Feeding difficulties, colic or reflux in babies and infants
  • Neck stiffness or flat head syndrome in babies and infants
  • Headaches, neck or back pain in children
  • Asthma in children
  • Falls or accidents (these are common when growing up!)
  • Birth trauma
  • Learning difficulties or postural issues in children

Osteopathy is a particularly gentle form of treatment and is particularly suitable with babies and young children.

Click here to watch our video about our monthly Baby Cafe.