John Holt writes in his book ‘Never too Late‘:


“If I could learn to play the cello well, as I thought I could, I could show by my own example that we all have greater powers than we think; that whatever we want to learn or learn to do, we probably can learn; that our lives and our possibilities are not determined and fixed by what happened to us when we were little, or by what experts say we can or cannot do.”

Taken from ‘’.

‘Best known for his brilliant insight into the way children learn, John Holt was also an intrepid explorer of adult learning. At the age of forty, with no particular musical background, he took up the cello. His touching and hilarious account of his passionate second career demolished the myth that one must start an instrument (or a sport, or a language) in early childhood, and will inspire any reader who dreams of taking up a new skill.’

Ed: Thank you to one of my precious students of my Corrective Movement Class for sharing this with me.

It’s so great to hear yourself getting better and helps when you have a good teacher! I messed up half way through – obvious by my facial expression – but you may as well keep going as hopefully people see you for your efforts and the times you do well and not the little mistakes we all make.

Very humbling learning something new. Very rewarding.

** Compare this to my first cello video in June 2017 – see below – playing C-major scale. I’m getting better for sure!

Definitely room for improvement! My students often giggle that they get excited when they see me sore after a workout (as they see me as so fit and like to see me in pain sometimes too!). I think you’ll enjoy seeing me feel the pain of being completely inept here.

** Compare this to the video dated 9.8.17. So nice to see improvement. Hey, I only started two months before this video! I’d never picked up a cello before that!




Sunday 27th August 4pm

Mangawhai Osteopathy Clinic

Sound of Yoga (click here for more details)

Lis and my beautiful cello teacher Rachel have given me the confidence to join them playing background to some of the mantras in Kirtan next Sunday. I’m super excited and super nervous. I’d love you to come.  If you’ve never experienced Kirtan before, I thought you’d like to know that it’s my favourite type of yoga.