May I start with an excerpt from my current favourite book entitled ‘Swimming in New Zealand’ by Annette Lees.
‘You’ve got to be a bit crazy to do swims like this. I feel fear, yes. If you’re alone in the ocean, in the dark, with the waves crashing down on you, yes. But this is what our life’s journey is all about – memories. You can’t take your house with you, your car. You’ve only got your memories. These swims are my memories. I feel at home in the water. Some people are comfortable on the couch. For me, it’s the ocean: the sea is my couch and I can easily just lie down on it’.
Arno Marten, Director Packrafting New Zealand, pages 128-130 from Annette’s book.
Here’s my weekly schedule. This is an average week since Winter 2017.
I say no to coffee with friends. I say no to almost everything social. I say no to extra commitments. I feel anxious that I won’t have any friends left after this! I feel anxious that I cannot fulfil my ‘people pleasing’ nature of my self. I worry about it.
I say yes to my dreams. I say yes to the gut feeling that helps me know what my next passion might be. I say yes to being the best Osteopath I can be and often spend my spare time reading and getting inspired by the writings of the best Osteopaths and movement specialists in the world. My spare time is also spent sleeping. I’m an incredibly good sleeper!
That’s how I am managing to train for the biggest swim of my life.
I’ve been told I am not fast enough. I don’t believe it. My coaches are behind me. I know I can do this. It’s taking so much of my time trying to figure out how to be given the chance.
Many athletes have done way crazier events than this. I know they’d be supportive of me.
I have the most amazing team of supporters: Alastair, family, friends, fellow swimmers in NZ and the UK, my power lifting girls, my weights coach and swim coaches, my Osteopathy patients, and God.
These are the rewards for the sacrifices it takes to choose a goal beyond your dream.
Anyway, I thought it would be a pipe dream to become an Osteopath, when I decided at 28 years of age to study again. My mum told me it was time to have babies. Instead I had a different calling. Look how many people have been blessed through my decision.
Remember, you only have your memories.
Go For It Jacq. I came to you a year ago I felt so ill. You slowly moved , motivated and inspired me back to
My old self. I love that you know your passion. Some never do. William and I are rooting fo you. Slow and steady wins the Race. Ready Set Go!!
You go girl!
You are awesome Jacquelyn! You never cease to amaze me! You go crazy girl!